

Git Prompt Kit is available on Homebrew. Run

brew install olets/tap/git-prompt-kit

and follow the post-install instructions logged to the terminal.


You can install Git Prompt Kit with a zsh plugin manager. Each has their own way of doing things. See your package manager's documentation or the zsh plugin manager plugin installation procedures gist.

After adding the plugin to the manager, it will be available in all new terminals. To use it in an already-open terminal, restart zsh in that terminal:

exec zsh


Either clone this repo and add source path/to/git-prompt-kit.zsh to your .zshrc, or

  1. Download the latest git-prompt-kit binary
  2. Put the file git-prompt-kit in a directory in your PATH

Then restart zsh:

exec zsh

Prompt manager

You can use Git Prompt Kit to create a custom, high-performance section in your zsh prompt manager. Starting points for Spaceship and Starship are in Integrations.